
Countdown to Red Gate Artist Residency, Beijing

Since researching artist residencies to apply for the Freedman Scholarship early this year; its been an interesting process of combining various sources of information into one compact bundle. Recommendations and precautions from family and friends, reading regional specific blogs and art journals and not to mention my Mandarin teacher for everything from food to galleries to tourist monuments to language and cultural barriers, it been all consuming reading, learning, collating and filtering the information ive been collecting.

The logistics of planning accomodation, visting museums and galleries, meeting up with friends and family in 8 European and Chinese cities over the next 3 months gets confusing at times. Then there is the map reading, figuring out public transport, numerous currencies in and out of favour with the Australian Dollar, it goes on. Also for the last couple of months, I have been learning slowly but surely to speak Mandarin. The most important sentences that I have mastered so far include: 'I want roast duck and dumplings', and the bargaining exclamation 'too expensive!'.

I am going to start the contemporary Chinese art and travel research with a short trip Brisbane this weekend, as the Asian Pacific Triennial 5 opens in the new Gallery of Modern Art, Queensland Art Gallery. Ive not been to an APT before and I thought the timing couldnt be better to do this now.

I will be in Hong Kong and China in the New Year, right in the middle of winter. Ive just read that in Shanghai its currently 8 degrees, I dont want to know what it will be in mid January.

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